Olivia Shih
Oakland, CA, USA
Born to Taiwanese immigrant parents, Olivia Shih is a jeweler, artist, and writer based in Oakland, California. In addition to running her fine jewelry brand, she is an adjunct professor at CCA and the assistant editor at Metalsmith magazine.
“Similar yet so different. You and me. Siblings.
Growing up together, we shared everything. The same womb, our mother’s lap. We took our baths together, slept in the same bed. Everytime I turned my head, you were by my side. I passed my clothes to you, and you relinquished your toys to me. Constant companions, we fought everyday, like clockwork. We were fierce competitors for our mother’s love, but co-conspirators in our youthful mistakes.
Now we don’t share as many things. But everywhere I go, I carry a little of you with me. And you me.”
What does being queer mean to you in relation to your material choices? Is it something you consider?
“Being queer in my materials means being fluid in my choices. I don't see the point in swearing allegiance to a single medium; there's a world of possibilities out there, why not take a gander? In my own practice, I often work with a range of materials such as stone, wood, metal, plastic, and paint."
"Siblings 05", Reclaimed walnut, maple, silk thread, bronze, 3.8" x .7" x 2.7", 2023
Is the work queer because the maker is queer, or is it queer because the subject matter is queer?
“I think it could be either on or even both. The maker has their intentions and creative process, but once the work comes into existence, it can be read in a multitude of ways by viewers who bring their own lived experience."